Friday, February 5, 2010

Some Adjectives

Funny: We are in a Muslim country where alcohol is frowned upon, so instead of alcohol menus in restaurants, there are cigarette menus.

No smoking in public places is an American thing.

Scary: The sidewalks are in pretty bad shape. Walking them is like walking a minefield. Last night while walking home in the dark, I was dodging sewer holes (that are actually large squares) where the covers have been removed. If you don’t look at the ground as you walk, you are liable to fall to your death; if you don’t look up, you are liable to run into men.

I’m not sure which is worse . . .

Nice: I’ve seen real coffee for sale.


Interesting: The building behind the language school is being torn down. Yesterday at lunch while Melissa and I were sitting with all our teachers at the table, we heard commotion from the house behind. Men were shouting and whooping. To my ears, it sounded angry and chaotic. However, Susan, the principal, informed Melissa and I that the men shout and become lively to gain more energy because the work is so hard.

I should try this while studying . . .

Cool: The South Asian Games are going on in Dhaka right now. Melissa figures that these games are happening because most of South Asia does not have winter Olympic sports. Yesterday, we were waiting for a friend at the Westin (a 5-star hotel) and athletes began walking in. We assume these are world-class athletes who would be in the summer Olympics.

I was close enough to touch them . . . J

Astounding: Bicycle rickshaws are the way to get around here. Yesterday I saw a bike rickshaw that looked like it had a cab. In the cab were five people. They were being toted through the congested roads by a thin, small man who looked like he was used every ounce of strength to pedal just one stroke down . . . yet he did it over and over and over and over.

And I thought biking with thirty-five pounds as a load was difficult . . .

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